1. From the Home Page, select My Account and Invoices & Credits
2. Screen defaults to Open (Invoices & Credits); select All Invoices & Credits, if desired
3. Choose preferred Sort by option
a. Billing Date (New-Old)
b. Billing Date (Old-New)
c. Due Date (Old-New)
d. Due Date (New-Old)
e. Past due
4. Select Doc Type to limit documents shown
a. Invoice
b. Credit
5. Click on Search
6. Select View Details for more information on a specific transaction
a. Review Information
7. Click on browser "X" to navigate back to Invoices & Credits
8. To pay an invoice, check the box to the left of the appropriate Billing Doc #
a. Multiple invoices can be selected
9. Click on Pay Selected Invoices
10. Select the amount to pay toward each invoice in the Pay Today field on the right
a. The total Amount You're Paying Today will adjust as you go - confirm total amount
11. Confirm Pay with Credit Card Info
12. Select an Option to process the invoices in one transaction or separately
13. Select Confirm Payment at the bottom of the page
14. Invoice Payment Receipt shows summary on screen once transaction is complete
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