1. Click Sign-In/Register
2. Click Create an Account under Register (New Customer Account)
3. In the Account Name Field, Enter Name of Company/Property
4. In Account Number Street, enter in the appropriate number (i.e. 100)
5. In Account Street Name, enter in the name of the street (i.e. Milwaukee Ave.)
6. In Account City, enter in the City
7. In Account Postal Code, enter in the postal code
8. Click on the drop down next to Account Country to make your selection
9. Click on the drop down next to the Account State/Region to make your selection
10. If your shipping address is different from your billing address, click the box next to this field
a. Enter in Shipping Address
11. Click Validate
12. Click on either Edit Address or Use Suggested Address if correct
13. Click on the drop down for industry and select the industry that best matches your company/property
14. If applicable to your industry, enter in the Number of Rooms
15. Next, you will be prompted to create a log in
a. Enter in:
i. First Name
ii. Last Name
iii. Select Salutation
iv. Enter in email address
v. Select Department (optional)
vi. Enter in Job Title (optional)
vii. Enter in Phone Number
viii. Enter in Mobile Number
ix. Enter in Fax Number
16. Select or deselect the option: I would like to receive information about products
or special offers
17. Select or deselect the option: I would like to receive SMS text messages and updates
18. Under Sign-in information:
a. Enter in a Username
b. Enter in your Password
c. Confirm your Password
Note: For your protection, passwords require a minimum of at least seven characters, and must contain both numeric and alphabetic characters.
19. Click Create Account, upon successfully creating a login, you will receive a blue pop-up message letting you know your account has been set up.
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