1. From home page, type product name in search field and select Search (magnifying glass)
2. Select a product by clicking on the Select Options button
3. Click on the Compare Products option
a. If no other products have been selected, you will see the description of this product
b. Use the "X" in the upper right corner of the description to remove this product
c. Use the "-" in the upper right corner to close the Compare screen and select
additional product(s).
d. The product now shows Added to Compare instead of Compare Products
4. Continue searching within the product category for products to compare
5. Once you find a product to compare, select Compare Products
a. Use the "-" in the upper right corner to close the Compare screen and select
additional product(s)
6. Select additional product(s) to compare using the same steps
a. Use the "X" in the upper right corner of the description to remove the product
from those being compared
b. To clear all selections, select Clear
7. To compare the products selected, click on Compare
a. This will load the Compare Products screen which includes
i. Product description
ii. SKU
iii. Price per unit
iv. Additional product details
b. Options from this screen
i. View Details
ii. Add to favorites
iii. Clear the comparison (bottom of page)
iv. Print the comparison (top of page)
8. Select the "X" in the top right corner of the page to close the comparison
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