1. From the home page, start typing the product name in the search field
2. Select from Search Suggestions and/or recommended products
3. Choose from Sort by Options to reorganize the products shown by:
a. Relevance
b. Product Name (A-Z)
c. Product Name (Z-A)
4. Click on the image or product description for additional images and details
a. Rollover image to zoom
b. Select from additional images shown on the left
c. Review other product information
i. Description (short)
ii. SKU
iii. Pricing
iv. Availability
v. Product Highlights (Made in USA, Diversity Supplier, etc.)
vi. Detailed description
viii. Product specifications
d. Review Other Items from This Collection
e. Utilize Compare Products from This Collection
5. Use +/- to increase or reduce the quantity, then Add to cart
a. Confirm addition when the "Item(s) successfully added to your!" message appears
b. Cart will show number of products (not the total quantity of the products)
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